
European Course for Musical Composition and Technologies

Sound in Open Space Workshop

August 11 - 14 2008, Gutshof Sauen (Center of Arts of UdK and HfM), Brandenburg, Germany

Prof. Kirsten Reese
Ecki Guether (assistant)
Savannah Agger (Sweden), Aaron Einbond (USA), Alireza Farhang (Iran/France), Chelsea Leventhal (USA)

Sound in Open Space: Artistic and technical concepts and tools for sound distribution in natural und urban landscapes

Topics: soundscapes and mobile recording, construction of and sound distribution experiments with mobile speakers, sound distribution with different speaker setups in open spaces, mobile networking, aesthetics of land sound art works from the 1970ies to today, ideas for and realisation of works of the participants in a natural or urban landscape, ...

> European Course for Musical Composition and Technologies, IRCAM page