<< biography works videos/audios teaching publications calender contact  
  Kirsten Reese
work list and performances (selection)

Boeseblick >
ensemble for electronic music. continuous
composed improvisations with Alessandra Eramo (voice, tapes, electronics); Korhan Erel (electronics, samples); Ariel Orah (electronics); Kirsten Reese (software, amplified objects, microphones)
28.8.2021 Sowieso Berlin
17.3.2022 KM28 Berlin
19.1.2023 Katarakt Festival Hamburg 14.9.2024 Dystopia Sound Art Bienal 2024

Glück für einen allein gibt es nicht - Klangbilder einer Agrikulturlandschaft >
Audiofeature. 2024
Erstsendung 20.9.2024 SWR

for violin, accordeon, percussion, santoor and field recordings. 2024
Ensemble Megaphon
first performance 2.6.2024 Kreuzkirche Hannover

Rediviva intermixta >
8 channel sound and mixed media installation. 2024
27.4. - 19.5.2024 Oscillations Cape Town - Berlin, Soundart Exhibition Akademie der Künste Berlin

spirans >
sound installation in the Freiraum of Lentos Museum. 2023
as part of the exhibition "Haus-Rucker-Co. Atemzonen"
6.10. 2023 - 25.2.2024 Lentos Kunstmuseum Linz

unknown wuuhing sound >
for contrabass clarinet, electric guitar, violoncello, double bass, biophonic/geophonic ocean sounds and video. 2023
knm Kammerensemble Neue Musik
10.5.2023 Frequenz Festival Kiel
7.7.2023 Heroines of Sound Berlin

Homeostasis >
audiovisual installation, with Robert Seidel, video. 2022
16.9.2022 Ozeaneum Stralsund
9.5.2023 Zoologisches Museum Kiel, Frequenz Festival

Vom Verschwinden - Vanishing >
installation for a meadow with mobile multi-channel loudspeakers. 2022
25.6.2022 Festival Klanglandschaften Neue Musik und Natur
Mühlenbeck, Wiese im Parkgelände Berufsförderungswerk

Your ears will hear a sound behind you
for Ernst Surberg, Prophet synthesizer, Bettina Junge, prepared alto flute. 2022
UA 19.5.2022 KM28 Berlin

Heimat:Habitate >
for mobile insect, human and instrumetal voices and their electronic adaptations. 2021/22
Paul Hübner, trumpet, Rie Watanabe, percussion
radiophonic version, Wittener Tage für Neue Kammermusik 2021
Schwesternpark Witten, Wittener Tage für Neue Kammermusik 2022

Cobourg Nets >
for ensemble und field recordings. 2021
based on research at Cobourg Peninsula, Northern Territory, Australia 2019 (Goethe Institut music residency)
festival "Memories in Music" der Akademie der Künste Berlin
premiere 6.5.2021, Ensemble Adapter
Field Log Cobourg. radio composition 2021. Deutschlandfunk Kultur, first broadcast 7.5.2021
Cobourg Mind Maps. artist publication 2021

Zum Beispiel Bienen / Bees for example
music theatre for children. 2020
UA 26.9.2020 Ensemble DieOrdnungDerDinge Feldtheater für junges Publikum Berlin

Porpoise >
for three synthesizers. 2019
23.11.2019 Villa Elisabeth Berlin, Reviving the tradition, Neue Kompositionen für Synthesizer
Trio Lange/Berweck/Lorenz

Location and Motion Songs Istanbul >
A performative soundwalk for headphones and other listening devices. 2019
31.10.-3.11.2019 Distopya Festival Istanbul

Neglou >
Performative installation in a swimming pool for trumpet and underwater sound 2019
first performance 18.-20.10. 2019 Donaueschinger Musiktage

Akustische Raumdiagonalen >
Sound intervention with audience participation for mobile loudspeakers. 2019
Main building Bauhaus Universität Weimar
Conference Gestaltung von Klangwelten, HfM Weimar

Creatures and Signals >
Site-specific performance for Fairlight CMI and mutated animalsounds. 2018
first performance 30.9.2018 Dystopia Sound Art Festival

Berlin Rosenthaler Platz (with David Wagner) >
Audiowalk with singing sirens. 2017/2018
with Sirje Aleksandra Viise, Sopran; Daniel Gloger, Countenor
live-performance 21.-23.9.2018 BAM! Festival für aktuelles Musiktheater
as individual audiowalk from 8.10.2018

Light Green Rituals >
for Fairlight CMI Synthesizer and ensemble. 2017/2018
premiere 31.1.2018, Ensemble Mosaik, Festival Eclat Stuttgart

r.d.l. - deep creation
Live audio processing with objects and loudspeakers. 2017
premiere 26.11.2017 The acousmatic project, Wien modern

Atmende Kugel >
for six voices and Hermann Scherchen's rotating loudspeaker sphere. 2017
premiere 1.10.2017 Neue Vocalsolisten, Akademie der Künste Berlin, Festival KONTAKTE

Sound Cards >
installation of postcards and recordings of the site. from 2005
14.7.2017 Errant Sound Berlin

Luthertöne (with David Wagner) >
A stroll with headphones through Wittenberg. 2017
from 19.5.2017 in Lutherstadt Wittenberg (in German)

Cinder and Spatter >
Live Audio Processing am Fairlight CMI (Computer Musical Instrument). 2017
UA 25.3.2017 Musikinstrumentenmuseum Berlin
im Rahmen der Ausstellung Good Vibrations Eine Geschichte der elektronischen Musikinstrumente

Musik zum Video. 2016/17
UA 17.2.-2.4.2017 VIDEONALE.16 Festival for Video and Time-Based Arts Kunstmuseum Bonn

r.d.l. - automatic creation >
Live audio processing with objects and loudspeakers. 2017
UA 15.2.2017 Errant Sound Berlin

rrr >
Multikanal-Audio-Installation für mobile Lautsprecherwürfel mit auditivem Archivmaterial. 2017
21.1.2017 Salon Sophie Charlotte der Berlin-Brandenburgischen Akademie der Wissenschaften
Programm der Villa Aurora

Elektroakustische Komposition (Stereo). 2016
CD "Escape", DEGEM CD 10

B.E.A. - F.A.G. (frei aber gemeinsam)
Interaktive Klanginstallation für Stimme und im Raum verteilte Lautsprecher mit Gesangs- und Geigenklängen, Musikfragmenten und -spuren, Archivklängen. 2016
26.4.-1.7.2016 Hochschule für Musik und Theater Hamburg

Elektroakustische Komposition mit Fairlight CMI Klängen für 17 Lautsprecher. 2016
UA 9.4.2016 Audiorama Stockholm

Performance für Archivklänge, Kassetten, verstärkte Flöte, verstärkte Objekte, Diaprojektor. 2008/2016
UA 9.4.2016 Audiorama Stockholm

Luft nach oben
Klanggestaltung für Theaterstück von Dirk Laucke, Regie Enrico Stolzenburg. 2015
Premiere 20.11.2015 Deutsches Nationaltheater Weimar

Phantom Synchron mit Daniel Ott, Sebastian Quack, Enrico Stolzenburg >
Stadion, Tiefgarage, JVA, Römisches Haus, Schlosshof, Theaterplatz,
eine musikalische Ortserkundung für 40 mobile Lautsprecherboxen, zwölf Instrumente und zahlreiche Mitwirkende. 2015
4.9. - 5.9.2015 Kunstfest Weimar

rice - door - lion >
8-kanalige Klanginstallation mit zahlreichen Lautsprechern. 2015
11.-20.6. Ausstellung Sound Dept. Ltd. FRISE Künstlerhaus Hamburg

the lightest words had the weight of oracles >
for Fairlight CMI synthesizer und e-guitar. 2014
first performance 15.11.2014 Theaterhaus Stuttgart, attaca festival SWR

sound design for theatre piece by Kai-Ivo Baulitz after Jakob Reinhold Michael Lenz. 2014
premiere 3.10.2014 Deutsches Nationaltheater Weimar

The killer in me is the killer in you my love
sound design for theatre piece by Andri Beyerle. 2014
Autorentheatertage 14.6.2014 Deutsches Theater Berlin

composition for a pianist, grand piano, actions, electronics, installed loudspeakers and objects. 2014
first performance 24.5.2014 swr 2 ars nova, Villa Musica Mainz

9. November 1938 // a living sound installation commemorating the november pogrom
(with Enrico Stolzenburg) >
Theaterplatz Weimar, 9.11.2013

Debatte (with Enrico Stolzenburg) >
24-channel sound installation town hall Donaueschingen. 2013
Donaueschinger Musiktage 18.-20.10.2013

Weisskerns Nachlass
sound design for theatre piece after the novel by Christoph Hein. 2013
Deutsches Nationaltheater Weimar 8.9.2013 (premiere)

Sonozones (with Jan Schacher) >
artistic research, small scale installations/interventions in public space. 2013
Mülheim Ruhr 22.-26.7.2013

no voice audible but that of the sea on the far side >
four channel sound installation. 2013
9 - 12th May 2013, Aarhus harbour, SPOR Festival Aarhus

covered, uncovered >
audiotrack with voice and sound for headphones / objects, photos, sound, small speakers. 2013
9 - 12th May 2013, Kunsthal Aarhus, SPOR Festival Aarhus

8-channel electroacoustic composition. 2013
May 3 2013, Theatre des Varietes, Monaco
Festival Monaco Electroacoustique

Hört auf diese Stadt! / Listen to this city! (with Enrico Stolzenburg and Dag Kemser) >
Audioparcours through the inner city of Magdeburg. 2012/13
from 25.1.2013 Theater Magdeburg.

Zoobrücke >
Audiopassage - sound installation and audiowalk. 2012
16.3. - 5.8.2012 pedestrian bridge (Tiergartenweg) Karlsruhe.
Sound Art Ausstellung ZKM Karlsruhe

Deckkraft (opacity) >
electroacoustic work for the sound dome (47 loudspeakers). 2011
21.10.2011 ZKM Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe, Kubus

Kurzes Hörstück über das Ende des Kapitalismus / Short piece on the end of capitalism >
electroacoustic composition. 2011
for CD "Replace", DEGEM CD 10

Vexierklang Hardenstein >
Parcours with loudspeakers, performers, weir noise, forest and castle refections. 2011
6. - 8.5.2011 Castle Hardenstein, Herbede, Wittener Tage für neue Kammermusik, Wittener Festival for Contemporary Chamber Music

Spring Bluff >
2-channel electroacoustic composition. 2010
5.11. - 19.12.2010 Geluidpost @ Lokaal 01, Breda, Niederlande

mittenDrin - sound expeditions, sounding mountain and sounding town
with Daniel Ott, Erwin Stache, Zoro Babel and Enrico Stolzenburg
SoundExpedition. Music for modes of transportation and 20 SoundCarriers. >
SoundBalloon. >
10. - 12.9.2010, mittenDrin Festival, Eisenach and hinterland

Vor dem Tag >
landscape composition by Lukas Berchtold, Helmut Lemke, Urban Mäder, Daniel Ott, Kirsten Reese and Enrico Stolzenburg
night 13./14.08.2010 Festival Rümlingen

sound intervention for gallery attendants and recording dictaphone
group exhibition menu for murmur
01. – 25.06.2010, Chapman Gallery University Salford

Lotussound >
sound installation for sixty loudspeakers in seven gardens of Lotusland. 2010
March 17 – 20 2010, Lotusland, Santa Barbara, California

drehenderweise/circling >
sound installation for 8 loudspeakers behind antique warderobes. 2009
29. 4. 2009 Salon of the Leo Baeck Institute, German Archeological Institute Berlin

Angelic Streamers >
sound installation for churches. 2009
26. - 29.3.2009 Johanneskirken, Bergen, Borealis Festival
2. - 5.4.2009 Paulus Kirke, Oslo
Commissioned by Ny Musikk

Kugelspiele >
11 sound games for accordeon, live electronics, video projection and dexterity games. 2009
11.3.2009 Pfefferberg Haus 13

Mondmessage >
An installative music theatre for five musicians, many loudspeakers and other media. 2008
26. and 27. 9. 2008 Alte TU Mensa, Hardenbergstr. 35, Berlin

Lüftchen/Brise (A light breeze) >
for barrel organ. 2008
23. - 29.6. 2008 Brückenmusik Köln

Crisp >
for objects and live processing. 2008
MIBEM Festival Melbourne 29. 3. 2008

Wirbligen Signale - Wirbligen Signals >
Procession for trumpets, french horns, trombones and mobile loudspeakers/ loudspeaker performers. 2007
First performance Nachtschicht, Festival Rümlingen 24./25. 8. 2007, Commission of MusikFabrik

Halluzi >
Music for passers-by, sound installation for a street. 2007
15.6. - 15.8.2007 Kurfürstenstrasse / corner of Potsdamer Str. Berlin

Foliosa >
Interactive audio-video-installation for one person. 2007
16.-18.2.2007 University of Hildesheim, conference performativity and performance.

Hallenfelder >
Sound-video-installation for a wave field synthesis array (20 loudspeakers) and video. 2006
20.-22. 10. 2006 Donaueschinger Musiktage

Abglanz - reflections (with Dominik Busch) >
for mobile light source und loudspeaker, pattern transparencies, 4-channel-audio. 2006
first performance 23. 9. 2006 Festival Interface, Small water reservoir Berlin

Lullabies >
Interactive audiovisual installation for computer, webcam, headphones, drawings. 2006
17.-25. 6. 2006 Ausstellung Stille Post, Neue Galerie der Karl Hofer Gesellschaft, Oberschöneweide / Berlin

Postkartengeflüster - whispering postcards >
Interactive audiovisual installation for computer, webcam, headphones, postcards. 2006
20. 3. 2006 Cité des Arts Paris

Init-AV (with Pepe Jürgens) >
net sound module. 2005
>> Init-AV application

for flute, grand piano, tape and amplified miniature speakers inside the grand piano. 2005
first performance 27. 10. 2005 Hamburg - Carin Levine, flute, Jennifer Hymer, piano

kein name kein datum (with Katharina Höcker) >
for text, bassflute live-sampling and projection. 2005
first performance 19. 6. 2005 Texte und Töne, Högenhausen

lieplich beslozzen >
for amplified recorder, stereo tape and miniature speakers in hanging plastic bottles. 2005
first performance 25. 2. 2005 Zentrum für Kunst und Medientechnologie Karlsruhe - Jeremias Schwarzer, recorder

quiver (with Victorine Müller) >
installation for 6 performers and electronic sound. 2004
first performance 6. 11. 2004 Künstlerhaus Bethanien, Festival Klangwerkstatt

for amplified flute, oboe, clarinet, tape and 8-channel live-electronic surround sound. 2004
first performance 18. 9. 2004 Podewil Berlin

for five instruments, live-electronics, 4 loudspeakers. 2004
first performance 7. 6. 2004 June 7, 2004 Edith-Russ-Site for Media Art, Oldenburg - oh-ton Ensemble

dies, sagt sie (with Katharina Höcker)
word-sound-collage (stereo tape, radiophonc composition). 2003
Radio Bremen, 15. 4. 2005

bowerbird/modules Seidenlaubenvögel/module >
interactive solar-soundobjects and CD. 2003
group exhibition Höge White Cube No.1
24. 9.– 1. 10. 2003 Volkart Stiftung, Winterthur, CH
4. 12. - 7. 12. 2003 Neues Museum Weserburg, Bremen, D

anregen/übertragen >
interactive sound and concert installation for instruments, hanging loudspeakers and jangling objects. 2003
first performance 24. 5. 2003 Die Höge, Högenhausen
7. 6. 2004 Edith-Russ-Site for Media Art, Oldenburg

dulationen >
for flute and live-electronics (laptop), stereo speakers. 2002
first performance 8. 12. 2002 Dortmund Zehn Jahre Mex/festival open systems

inyib >
for nine musicians, live-electronics, CD Players (6 channels), 15 loudspeakers (live-electronics software: Thomas Seelig). 2002
first performance 6. 7. 2002 Podewil Berlin - Ensemble Zeitkratzer

for english horn, bass clarinet, french horn, trombone and 4-channel tape (4 speakers). 1999/2002
first performance 20. 5. 2002 courtyard of Castle Rheinsberg, Brandenburg

Contained >
interactive soundinstallation. 2001
15. /16. 6. 2001 in the 'existart' Container at the exhibition „Freie Wahlen“/ Kunsthalle Baden-Baden

Slobo (with Sabine Ercklentz) >
music to a short film by Sylke René Meyer. 2000
first performance 16. - 21. 1. 2001 Max-Ophüls-Preis Festival, Saarbrücken

for voice, double bass and 4-channel-tape. 2000
first performance 10. 11. 2000 Kreuzberger Klangwerkstatt - Ute Wassermann (voice), Matthias Bauer (double bass)

Der tönende See >
16-channel composition for swimming ‚sound bowls’. 2000
17. 6. 2000 Lake Böberecken, Rheinsberg, Brandenburg.
15. 10. 2000 Tiergarten Berlin.

Siebenschlaf >
for tenor-saxophone and 4-channel tape. 2000
first performance 16. 11. 2000 Sophiensäle Berlin - Ulrich Krieger (saxophone)

electroacoustic collage with sounds from Venice (stereo). 1999

Basics >
for bass flute and 4-channel tape (4 speakers). 1997
first performance 1997 Kreuzberger Klangwerkstatt.

Mandelkern >
electroacoustic work for 4 speakers. 1997
first performance 1997 Parochialkirche Berlin at Klangmesse 1997.

Senza Fine >
electroacoustic work, part of a group project. 1995
first performance 1995 Klangwerkstatt Kreuzberg, 1996 Dresdner Tage für Neue Musik, 1997 Klanggalerie des SFB.

An Do
for flute, piccolo, bass flute (one player). 1993
first performance 1993 Festival Musicarama in Hong Kong.

electroacoustic work (stereo). 1992/93
first performance 1993 Manhattan School of Music New York.

Axis >
electroacoustic work (stereo). 1992
first performance 1993 Manhattan School of Music New York.